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Vincent's Blog

Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work (Aristote)

Network Manager Control for OpenBSD

Posted on 2018-05-26 15:14:00 from Vincent in OpenBSD Desktop nmctl

nmctl is no more maintained
Some additional words concerning my nmctl script: improvement, communication, ...

No more the last post concerning nmctl. Please check the category nmctl

Nmctl presented on ;)

First of all I'm surprised and happy that has decided to talk about this script.

Thanks to them: Alan Jude and Benedict Reuschling.

Direct link:

Thank to Ve Telko who has mentioned it :-).

Some words concerning nmctl.

As planned, I was last week in hotels in Paris for my work. And I test nmctl as much as I could.

My observations are:

  • In all cases, nmctl detect correctly the open wifi. Even those having several words like "hotel le xyz".
  • I did a small change in the code because I've discovered a NWID having a "&" character in the name. Such character has caused troubles in the openbox xml file. Now, version 0.2.1, manages better the XML strings.
  • The detection of a running nmctl session has been improved. This avoid to have 2 nmctl script running in parallel.

It even works with the Thalys wifi connexion. A simple click in Openbox menu and nmctl connects to it correctly.

So, feel free to test it and communicate back your feedbacks. By email is most probably the easiest way:

Thanks in advance.

nmctl sources

My code repository is on Sourceforge:

  • git sources: git clone ssh:// nmctl-code

  • tgz of the version 0.2.1 is here

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