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Details about my script
Posted on 2021-05-09 12:48:00 from Vincent in OpenBSD My Sysupgrade
In this post, I'll share some screenshots concerning script.
This post is linked to the previous one post in October of 2020.
No features has been added, just more details on what it does during the upgrade process
NOTE: please check updated posts: /category/sysupgrade
I take the hypothesis that you have already read my previous post concerning sysupgrade. In short, the tool proposed by OpenBSD install systematically all possible sets. On several of my machines, I do not need game.tgz, xserv.tgz, xfont.tgz, ...
Moreover the underlying tools used by this sysupgrade provide such features of set selection, so I've just use them in my proposed script.
I encourage you to (re)read my previous post about sysupgrade.
Let's begin with configuration. Adapt /etc/sysupgrade_sets
To better understand the screen shots you will see, let me share the config I'm using on my webserver machine:
obsd: ~$ more /etc/sysupgrade_sets
-x* #remove all X sets
+xbase* #but still keep xbase
-g* #remove games
This config file must contains name of sets you want to select or you want to unselect. You have to think what you type during the initial installation steps.
The list of available sets is documented on the OpenBSD FAQ
Comments, starting with #, are allowed anywhere.
Do not forget that requires ksh. Do not launch it with sh
obsd:~# ksh
Fetching from
SHA256.sig 100% |****************************************************************************************| 2144 00:00
Signature Verified
The following files will be downloaded: INSTALL.amd64 base69.tgz bsd bsd.rd comp69.tgz man69.tgz xbase69.tgz
old file:
INSTALL.amd64 100% |***************************************************************************************| 43523 00:00
base69.tgz 100% |****************************************************************************************| 291 MB 00:10
bsd 100% |****************************************************************************************| 20423 KB 00:02 100% |****************************************************************************************| 20515 KB 00:02
bsd.rd 100% |****************************************************************************************| 4107 KB 00:01
comp69.tgz 100% |****************************************************************************************| 85958 KB 00:05
man69.tgz 100% |****************************************************************************************| 7560 KB 00:01
xbase69.tgz 100% |****************************************************************************************| 29789 KB 00:04
Verifying sets.
Fetching updated firmware.
Reboot now ?(Y/n)
After this download and verification, you are prompted to reboot immediately or not.
Those files are located in /home/_sysupgrade like official sysupgrade works.
If files are already present, the script will not re-download them.
If verification failed, the script stops.
This script also produce the /auto_upgrade.conf file.
This file is the one used by bsd.upgrade process. You can find details in the manpage
In short, it must contains question = answer
The generated file in my case is:
obsd:~# more /auto_upgrade.conf
Location of sets = disk
Pathname to the sets = /mnt//home/_sysupgrade/
Set name(s) = -x*
Set name(s) = +xbase*
Set name(s) = -g*
Set name(s) = done
Directory does not contain SHA256.sig. Continue without verification = yes
Only the "Set name(s)" are adapted based on your /etc/systupgrade_sets file. The rest is provided by the original script.
If you look at your / folder, you should see something like this:
obsd:~# ls -al /
total 170944
drwxr-xr-x 14 root wheel 512 May 7 08:55 .
drwxr-xr-x 14 root wheel 512 May 7 08:55 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 root wheel 512 Oct 5 2020 altroot
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 226 May 7 08:55 auto_upgrade.conf
drwxr-xr-x 2 root wheel 1024 Oct 5 2020 bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 90360 Oct 20 2020 boot
-rwx------ 1 root wheel 20866969 Oct 20 2020 bsd
-rwx------ 1 root wheel 20874353 Oct 20 2020 bsd.booted
-rw------- 1 root wheel 10393418 Oct 20 2020 bsd.rd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 15527075 Apr 25 2019 bsd.sp
-rwx------ 1 root wheel 4205670 May 7 08:55 bsd.upgrade
drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 19968 Oct 20 2020 dev
drwxr-xr-x 33 root wheel 2560 May 7 08:55 etc
drwxr-xr-x 5 root wheel 512 Oct 5 2020 home
drwxr-xr-x 2 root wheel 512 Oct 5 2020 mnt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 15614338 Apr 25 2019 obsd
It's important to verify that bsd.upgrade is "rwx", other else the upgrade process will not start.
Then you can reboot your machine. The real upgrade process will begin.
This is a remote machine, so I cannot share the real upgrade process.
But in short, this is the same sequence of screen as if you do it manually.
Remaining tasks
As documented in any upgrade procedure, you still have to perform 2 actions:
pkg_add -u
Hope this clarify what my sysupgrade does and where is differ from the original one.
You can download a new version of my script based on sysupgrade present in OpenBSD 6.9 here
1. From rjc on Sun May 9 13:20:40 2021
Links to your own post are broken - it's _post_, not _posts_ ;^)
2. From rjc on Sun May 9 13:35:18 2021
Given that `SETSDIR` is always an absolute path, you could change: Pathname to the sets = /mnt/${SETSDIR}/ to: Pathname to the sets = /mnt${SETSDIR} in order to get rid of the, IMHO, ugly double slash ('//') in the midle of the path (as well as the trailing one). You might one to rebase your changes onto the current version of the script - 1.44 from a month and a half later - in order to make the diff smaller. Also, no need for the two Copyright lines - simply merge them into one and get rid of the " for OpenBSD 6.8" :^)
3. From Vincent on Sun May 9 14:04:25 2021
Thanks RJC. webpage is now adapted;-). Indeed, the /mnt/$DESTDIR is really specific for one of my machine (where / is read-only, ...). I've removed it from the script. Thanks for your remarks